Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Hello Arana :)

 *i hope you know my meaning on this posting.Iam writing with my limited english word.
This is my first time to posting on english.Aaaaa i know my english is so bad.But i promise i will try english again :)) *

Hello arana,i don't know why i'm posting something on my blog about you.I fell miss you so much.I know,we just meet up very fast.Just 2 week.
 In this time,i miss you.I want to meet you again.And exactly i'm very happy because you got scholarship on lampung and you have schedule to come Semarang.I'm very happy!I hope time is come faster and i can big hug you on real life! :")
You must lived on my house and meet my mom hihihihi :D
I'm happy because God give me a moment to know you.You are kind girl  :)
And i hope we have everlasting friendship altough you're in japan and I'm in Indonesia.

Do you remembered?when we are talking until we are cry?
I'm speak with mix language =Indonesia,java,and english language (because my english language is so bad).
And we are realized if english language is so important in this live and we are promise to study speak english well well and try well again.
 That's moment is so unique for me.We can crying together with my mix language (yeah,my vocab on english is so bad :"))
We can crying together and give a big hug together too.
How sweet we are! :)

And i have a dream,someday i hope will come to japan and visit disneyland with you :)
And when you at here,i really want to study japannese language and also make up class with you :D

with love,
Your crazy friend from Indonesia (Karlina)

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